If you shift your worldview just a tiny bit you will never have to worry about ideas for content, ideas for prospecting and sources for new clients - ever again.
Every single person on Earth, even if they are retarded, has…
So giving people new ideas, adding ideas on to their pile, bragging about YOUR ideas,
trying to make them believe that your IDEAS will be superawesomelyamazinglyincredible is a losing proposition.
So we’re drowning in ideas. Everyone is.
And we’re dying of thirst for SOLUTIONS to our problems.
Abdelrahman is a senior AI engineer. And he has these ideas. He wants to teach AI and he wants to get paid and he wants to get students and he wants to set up a platform.
More ideas than you can shake a stick at.
Abdel also has a problem. In fact -and he doesn’t even know this yet- Abdel has a lot of problems. But his main problem is…
Almost every business has this issue.
wHeRe dO i fInD cLiEnTs?
hOw dO i sElL mY sTufF?
You’re supposed to come up with that shit before you start mentally masturbating over all your cool ideas that you’ll make so much money with.
But. People don’t. This is great because it means we have endless content and endless clients.
If you want to make content that attracts clients you focus your content towards their main problems.
“How To Sell Your AI Expertise”
Let’s say I write a blogpost. And I write a leadmagnet. And I add an autoresponder to it. And maybe I make an ad. Maybe I make a Youtube video.
The nice thing is that there are endless Abdels in the world. And new ones hatch every day.
“How To Sell Your transportation Expertise”
“How To Sell Your construction Expertise”
“How To Sell Your cooking Expertise”
“How To Make Money By Selling Your Cooking Expertise”
“How To Make Money Online By Cooking”
“How To Get More Mortgage Clients Using The Internet”
The main point here is that you need to start being alert for people talking about their issues.
Everyone has some sort of knowledge or expertise (even perceived) that they would love to monetize. Every biz owner thinks his product or service is superior to that of his filthy, nasty competition.
Usually they won’t phrase it like that. But that belief lives in their minds. “I am better than my competitor and people are stupid for taking their business to him instead of me.”
The reason why marketing is the most important skill in the world is that you’ll never have to worry about being able to add value in almost any situation.